Tancred Stakes Barrier Draw Stats & Info

Tancred Stakes Barrier Draw

Tancred Stakes Stakes Barrier Draw Stats & Info

The Group 1 Tancred Stakes (2400m) barrier draw and final field for 2025 will be released on 26 March, 2025.

This page will be updated following the barrier draw.


Tancred Stakes Nominations – Where It All Begins

A staying race that takes place over 2400m at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, the Tancred Stakes is a weight for age feature. Any horse that wins the Ranvet Stakes will be ballot exempt from this event.

The winner of the Tancred Stakes will earn themselves a spot in the Queen Elizabeth Stakes (2000m) and Sydney Cup (3200m).

Nominations and entries for the Tancred Stakes will close at 11:00am on Monday, March 24, 2025.


Tancred Stakes Barrier Draw – When Will It Be Known?

We will know the final field and barrier draw for the 2025 Tancred Stakes on Wednesday, March 26.

Shortly after 9:00am on the Wednesday the barrier draw will be randomly generated via computer.

The Tancred Stakes boasts a nice honour roll with three-time Melbourne Cup champion Makybe Diva winning the race in 2005. Horses such as Tie The Knot, Ethereal, Hartnell, Verry Elleegant and Sir Dragonet have won the Tancred since the turn of the century.


Tancred Stakes Barrier Statistics – Winners From The Past 20 Years

Year Horse Barrier Weight
2024 Kalapour 5 59kg
2023 Arapaho 3 59kg
2022 Duais 7 56.5kg
2021 Sir Dragonet 1 59kg
2020 Verry Elleegant 6 56.5kg
2019 Avilius 5 59kg
2018 Almandin 9 59kg
2017 Jameka 2 56.5kg
2016 Preferment 4 58.5kg
2015 Hartnell 3 57.5kg
2014 Silent Achiever 4 57kg
2013 Fiveandahalfstar 6 54.5kg
2012 Manighar 6 59kg
2011 Cedarberg 2 58.5kg
2010 Littorio 7 59kg
2009 Fiumicino 10 59kg
2008 Tuesday Joy 9 56kg
2007 Blutigeroo 10 59kg
2006 Eremein 7 57.5kg
2005 Makybe Diva 8 55.5kg
2004 Grand Zulu 1 53.5kg


Is There A Barrier Draw Bias in the Tancred Stakes?

There is definitive proof that the Tancred Stakes does not boast any barrier draw bias with almost a perfect share of winning barriers since the early 1980s.

Looking at the table below, you will see a good spread of winners from different barriers, including four winners from barriers nine and 10 respectively.

This means that there is less emphasis on the starting position of each horse; the speed map itself will be more important as will the expected tempo of the race and of course, the horse’s lead-up form heading into the Tancred Stakes.


Most Successful Tancred Stakes Barriers

Barrier Wins
4 7
5 6
7 5
1 4
2 4
6 4
9 4
10 4

Last updated for 2024 Tancred Stakes Results

Please note that barrier statistics only include races from 1983 onwards.



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